Hack ⚔️and slash🗡️ your way Through Dumb Eyeballs. Play the Super challenging storymode. If you finish the story mode, You're a game legend!😎


W ⏫ - Jump, double jump and Climb Ladders

A  ◀️- Move  Left

D ▶️ - Move Right 

Z - Move down with Ladder

Press Enter🤺⚔️ - Attack

Shift - Fast Attack

Super-Attack-Mode🌡️ - Space

Escape📍 - Pause


Using Super-Attack-Mode increases your temperature but boosts your damage and speed. If temperature decreases to zero player will be dealth fatal damage🤒. Use Space to toggle it off and on!

To complete storymode level complete Missions✨.

(This is my second game jam. Gained a bit of Exp from the First one so no bugs in this one.)

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